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Club Code of Conduct

Please read through the full code of conduct. Once read and understood please sign the coaches contract form to confirm that you understand and will uphold these regulations during your position as a ERFC Coach.

1. Charter and Code of Conduct 09/15

As a Club, we acknowledge that we shall use our best endeavours to conduct ourselves at all levels and at all times in a disciplined manner, observing fair play according to the Laws of the Game and a sporting spirit.

To maintain the ethos of the game this shall include but not be limited by the following:

A fair and equable treatment for all our rugby members which shall extend to all members of our opponent clubs.

A fostering of excellence in our style of play, club relationships and integration into the local community.

To arrange to play both home and away fixtures in equivalent proportions.

By honouring all our fixtures, which may entail using our good relations with neighbouring clubs to arrange the pooling of players without enticing them to leave their existing clubs.

To be equitable in our arrangements with the clubs contributing to the pool, by providing players to and utilising players from the pool in equal proportion.

In the eventuality of not being able to raise a full side even with the pooled players, to communicate with our opponents in good time and agree to play the game by sharing the available players.

By ensuring that all our club members and associated spectators respect the roles of the officials appointed to the game. To be intolerant of any abuse or physical harm to the officials or their property. To extend to them a welcome to our club and an encouragement to be involved in the after match companionship in our game.

To set an example to young players and spectators by refraining from the use of language of a profane obscene or expletive nature. and/or dissent of decisions by the game officials

To communicate with the Member Clubs and the Management Committee of the Union in a prompt and efficient manner to ensure the effective and timely management of the organisation of Rugby Football within the Sussex Union.

2. Child Protection Policy

Prohibited Practices
Coaches, managers or volunteers including all professional staff must never:

Take young people to their own home or any other place where they will be alone with them;
Spend any amount of time alone with young people away from others;
Take young people alone on car journeys, however short;
If it should arise that such situations are unavoidable they should only take place with the full knowledge and consent of someone in charge in the Club/governing body and/or a person with parental responsibility for the young person. In exceptional circumstances where a coach, manager or volunteer cannot obtain the consent of the someone in charge in the Club/governing body and/or person with parental responsibility for the young person then if it is in the welfare interest of the young person, paragraphs 1.1a and 1.1c do not have to be followed. If this occurs the adult must record the occurrence with the Club/governing body welfare officer.

Engage in rough, physical games, sexually provocative games or horseplay with children/young people;

Take part as a player in any dynamic contact games or training sessions with young people. If there is a need for an adult to facilitate learning within a coaching session through the use of coaching aids e.g. contact pads, this should be done with the utmost care and with due regard to the safety of the young players;

Share a room with a young person unless the individual is the parent/guardian of that young person;

Engage in any form of inappropriate sexual contact and/or behaviour;

Allow any form of inappropriate touching;

Make sexually suggestive remarks to a young person even in fun;

Use inappropriate language or allow young people to use inappropriate language unchallenged;

Allow allegations by a young person to go unchallenged, unrecorded or not acted upon;

Do things of a personal nature for a young person that they can do for themselves unless you have been requested to do so by the parents/carer (please note that it is recognised that some young people will always need help with things such as lace tying, adjustment of tag belts, fitted head guards and it is also recognised that this does not preclude anyone attending to an injured/ill young person or rendering first aid);

Depart the rugby club or agreed rendezvous point until the safe dispersal of all young people is complete;

Cause an individual to lose self-esteem by embarrassing, humiliating or undermining the individual;

Treat some young people more favourably than others, or;
Agree to meet a young person on their own on a one to one basis.

Position of Trust

All adults who work with young people are in a position of trust which has been invested in them by the parents, the sport and the young person. This relationship can be described as one in which the adult is in a position of power and influence by virtue of their position. Sexual intercourse or touching by an adult with a child under the age of 16 years is unlawful, even where there is apparent consent from the child. A consensual sexual relationship between an adult in a position of trust within the rugby setting and a child over 16 years of age is contrary to the Policy and Procedures for the Welfare of Young People in the Sport of Rugby Union.

Adults must not encourage a physical or emotionally dependent relationship to develop between the person in a position of trust and the young person in their care.

All those within the organisation have a duty to raise concerns about the behaviour of coaches, officials, volunteers, administrators and professional staff which may be harmful to the children, young people in their care, without prejudice to their own position.

CRB Disclosure

All adults who have ‘regular supervisory contact with young people’ must undertake CRB disclosure within eight weeks of their appointment to a position which involves regular supervisory contact with young people.

These adults will include:

Professional Staff

All coaches/assistant coaches

Heads of Mini/Midi rugby sections

Heads of youth rugby sections

Team managers

All referees who regularly officiate mini/midi and youth games

Welfare officers


Club administrators some administrators in the club have no direct
contact with younger members whatsoever.

CRB disclosures must be conducted through the RFU Child Protection Department who have jurisdiction to deal with any matter arising from any such disclosure.

3. Child Protection – Codes of Conduct for Coaches

All rugby coaches must respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person with whom they work with and treat them equally within the context of rugby union;

All rugby coaches must place the physical and emotional well-being of all young players above all other considerations, including the development of performance;

The relationship that a rugby coach develops with the players with whom they work must be based on mutual trust and respect;

All rugby coaches must ensure that all activities undertaken are appropriate to the age, maturity, experience and ability of the young players;

All rugby coaches must encourage young players to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance.

4. Guidelines for Dealing with Accidents


In the event of a Minor Accident

Stay calm but act swiftly and observe the situation.

Ensure that there is no risk of further injuries.

Listen to what the injured person is saying.

Alert the first aider who should take appropriate action for minor injuries.

Where the accident involves a mini or junior player ensure that the rest of the group is adequately supervised.

Where the accident involves a mini or junior player contact the injured person’s parent/guardian. If they are not present the adult nominated by the parent/guardian to take responsibility for the injured person should be contacted.


In the event of a Serious Accident


Stay calm but act swiftly and observe the situation.

Ensure that there is no risk of further injuries.

Listen to what the injured person is saying.

Contact the emergency services.

In order for the Ambulance Control Centre to effectively manage the incident they will need to know the following information.

Remember LIONEL.


The Ambulance Service needs to know the full postal address of the club.

Eastbourne Rugby Club
Park Avenue
Hampden Park
Eastbourne BN22 9QN

and the mobile of the person making the call


Notify the Ambulance Service that a player has been injured playing rugby.

For mini or junior players you need to give the age of the player.

Other Services

If you need assistance from another Emergency Service (i.e. Fire Service and/or Police) notify the Ambulance Service.


Notify the Ambulance Service of the number of players who have been injured.

Extent of Injury

As far as possible provide the Ambulance Service with details of the injury. (e.g. The player has sustained a serious injury to their left leg).

Check that the Ambulance Service has the clubs correct postal address.

Ensure that the player is protected from the elements and kept warm.

Where the accident involves a mini or junior player ensure that the rest of the group is adequately supervised.

Where the accident involves a mini or junior player contact the injured person’s parent/guardian. If they are not present the adult nominated by the parent/guardian to take responsibility for the injured person should be contacted.

Where the accident involves a senior player contact the player’s next of kin.

When the emergency services arrive notify them of any known medical conditions that might impact on the treatment given to the injured player.

5. Accident Report Form

An accident report form must be completed for all serious accidents. The forms can be found in the Accident Report book that is kept behind the bar in the clubhouse.

The completed Accident Report Form must be sent to the Club Secretary within 24 hours of the accident. His contact details are as follows:

Mr Hugh Graham
17A Pashley Road
East Sussex BN20 8DN

Where an Eastbourne RFC player is admitted to hospital for treatment the Club Secretary will notify the RFU Sports Injuries Administrator and the RFU Insurance Company.

6. Equity Policy

Eastbourne Rugby Football Club is committed to ensuring that equity is incorporated across all aspects of our development. In doing so, we acknowledge and adopt the following Sports England definition of sports equity:

‘Sports equity is about fairness in sport, equality of access, recognising inequalities and taking steps to address them. It is about changing the culture and structure to ensure it becomes equally accessible to everyone in the society.’

The Club respects the rights, dignity and worth of every person and will treat everyone equally within the context of their sport, regardless of age, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexuality or social/economic status.

The Club is committed to everyone having the right to enjoy their sport in an environment free from threat of intimidation, harassment and abuse.

All Club members have a responsibility to oppose discriminatory behaviour and promote equality of opportunity.

The Club will deal with any incidence of discriminatory behaviour seriously, according to Club disciplinary procedures.